<$Romeo Kids First$>
This is the blog of Jennifer White, Romeo, Michigan. I am a trustee-elect to the Romeo Board of Education. My 4 year term begins July 9, 2007. I will use this blog to post my personal thoughts on the school district happenings, this will allow the community to be kept informed of my views. I will not be serving as a board spokesperson, these will be my individual views.
Thursday, March 22, 2007
February 27, 2007 Failed Romeo School Bond Election - WHY?
Why did the Romeo Community School February 27, 2007 $93 Million Dollar bond issue fail?

This is one question that was posed to me on Monday, March 19, 2007, at the Romeo Community Schools PTOC meeting. I gave my reasons, along with the other three candidates in attendance, why I feel the bond issue was defeated.

I believe the main reason is the state of economy in the State of Michigan.

The first year tax increase may have been a small amount, but taxes are increasing for other reasons (i.e., inflationary increases) and any increase at this time when people are having a hard enough time paying their gas bills, is too much!

I also feel that the bond process (remember it took 18 months to formulate!), was seriously flawed from its inception! Building a new high school that would be filled to capacity the day it opened is ludicrous, vacating a historical building in the heart of downtown Romeo (Romeo Middle School) and relocating the population to Romeo High School temporarily is not a well thought out plan!

The Romeo Observer has published a few letters to the editor regarding the reasons some residents feel the bond issue has failed. I am interested in how you feel about why this bond was defeated? I welcome all comments, but please keep them clean, and we can have a lively debate whether you voted in favor of the bond, or against the bond issue.
posted by Jennifer L. White @ 10:32 AM  
  • At March 22, 2007 at 12:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi Jennifer. I agree the economy is part of the problem.

    But the bigger question would be, "How is it that the school board doesn't recognize how bad the economy is right now?"

    Aren't they supposed to be there to serve us?

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