<$Romeo Kids First$>
This is the blog of Jennifer White, Romeo, Michigan. I am a trustee-elect to the Romeo Board of Education. My 4 year term begins July 9, 2007. I will use this blog to post my personal thoughts on the school district happenings, this will allow the community to be kept informed of my views. I will not be serving as a board spokesperson, these will be my individual views.
Thursday, March 22, 2007
Speaking of the bond - How did they do that? Dollars and sense!
How was the district going to come up with $93 Million Dollars with a .29 mill increase?
Are they refinancing existing bonds? If so, can we do that with no bond and actually reduce taxes? Or can we ask for a much smaller bond at no cost to the taxpayer?

This seems to be a very complicated process, and I am not a financial guru by any means, but I am a taxpayer and I know how to read my tax assements and bills - therefore, I called my local township clerk to get information on the bond, but even better I called the State Treasury and they really 'clued me in' on the dollars and sense of bond issues! I welcome your analysis, and correction of any information I post here, like I said, I am willing to be educated, but I have done my homework, and I believe my 'interpretation' of this information is correct.

Refinancing existing bonds is an option to local school districts and it can be done to lower property taxes or offer bonds at no cost to the taxpayer.

So why isn't Romeo Community Schools administration telling us how we can get the most 'bang' from our buck - either lower our taxes, or keep the same tax rate and improve the quality of the schools!
posted by Jennifer L. White @ 11:23 AM  
  • At March 28, 2007 at 8:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I just heard that the board plans to come back with a $53 million dollar bond in August.

    Do you agree with this?

    Why would they pay for yet ANOTHER election? I read that they spend money on each of these elections. One in February, one in May, and now one in August?

    How much do these cost?

  • At March 29, 2007 at 10:21 AM, Blogger Jennifer L. White said…

    I have also heard the rumor of $53 million in August, 2007 and not knowing the details of what it will entail I can not agree or disagree. I disagree with coming back in August and paying for another special election that will cost slightly more than the special election this past February, according to the Bruce Township clerk’s office. I'd support a bond that is justified with facts. I'd also support a bond effort that is promoted with an open and honest discussion about the finances. I would NOT support a bond until we've had some serious discussion with the community. With these tough economic times, any bond should be limited to "needs", and not expanded to include "wants". I hope I have answered your questions, please feel free to comment back and we can keep a good open dialogue going!

    Jennifer L. White

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