<$Romeo Kids First$>
This is the blog of Jennifer White, Romeo, Michigan. I am a trustee-elect to the Romeo Board of Education. My 4 year term begins July 9, 2007. I will use this blog to post my personal thoughts on the school district happenings, this will allow the community to be kept informed of my views. I will not be serving as a board spokesperson, these will be my individual views.
Monday, May 14, 2007
Thank you voters!
Thank you voters!! I look forward to being your voice at the board table. Thank you to everyone who “spread the word”, put out signs, and offered financial support. Thank you to my hard-working, tireless “campaign manager” and her “committee”.

As we move forward, I hope to forge a good working relationship with the board so that we can effectively tackle issues that face this district, such as bonds and infrastructure, new graduation requirements, budgets and security.

One of my goals as a board member will be to increase communication in the district. I intend to keep my blog at romeokidsfirst.blogspot.com, and will post my personal thoughts on school issues so that the community can be kept informed of my views, and we can easily communicate.

Again, thank you for your support.
posted by Jennifer L. White @ 6:30 AM  
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Name: Jennifer L. White
Home: Michigan

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