Wednesday, July 11, 2007 |
Board of Education meeting dates 2007/2008 school year |
At the July 9, 2007 Romeo Board of Education meeting, Resolution #2 approved the new dates for the 2007/2008 school year meeting dates. All meetings begin at 7 p.m., and any special meetings will be posted seperately as needed.
Please place close attention to the meeting locations, as they do change month to month. August 13, 2007 RETC September 10, 2007 Indian Hills Elementary September 24, 2007 RETC October 8, 2007 Hevel Elementary October 22, 2007 RETC November 12, 2007 Powell Middle School December 10, 2007 Amanda Moore Elementary January 14, 2008 Washington Elementary January 22, 2008 RETC February 11, 2008 Romeo Middle School February 25, 2008 RETC March 10, 2008 Croswell April 14, 2008 Romeo High School April 28, 2008 RETC May 12, 2008 Hamilton Parsons Elementary June 9, 2008 RETC July 14, 2008 Administration Building |
posted by Jennifer L. White @ 5:38 PM |
I was just wondering if you planned on updating your blog in the near future as I am extremely interested in your opinion on the current events taking place concerning budget cuts.
Also, I've added your Blog to my web page, which is currently under construction, but if you would like for me to remove it, please feel free to let me know. THANKS!
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I was just wondering if you planned on updating your blog in the near future as I am extremely interested in your opinion on the current events taking place concerning budget cuts.
Also, I've added your Blog to my web page, which is currently under construction, but if you would like for me to remove it, please feel free to let me know. THANKS!