<$Romeo Kids First$>
This is the blog of Jennifer White, Romeo, Michigan. I am a trustee-elect to the Romeo Board of Education. My 4 year term begins July 9, 2007. I will use this blog to post my personal thoughts on the school district happenings, this will allow the community to be kept informed of my views. I will not be serving as a board spokesperson, these will be my individual views.
Friday, March 30, 2007
The School Police Liaison Officer, the surrounding districts employ one, why don't we?
The School Police Liaison Officer, the surrounding districts employ one, why don't we?

Our students safety should be our number one priority, other districts realize the value of this officer, why doesn't Romeo? We are one of the few remaining districts in the area that does not employ a police liaison officer.

Police liaison officers offer the school district many benefits in addition to being an armed presence. They are actively involved in dealing with any law-related issues at a school (elementary, middle, high school level), and can be called upon as a resource in the areas of alcohol and drug prevention, dating violence and crime prevention. The liaison officer is an informal member of the faculty and administrative team and works together to address problems in the school community.

The liaison officer is a resource for students, they build an invaluable rapport with the students, and are seen as a positive role model in the area of law enforcement.

Police liaison officers are first on the scene in an emergency situation, and they are a critical component of crises management. They not only assist when an incident occurs, but may help prevent serious injury to students, staff and other school personnel.

Ultimately, the officer is there to promote safety and security in the school and to bridge the gap between law enforcement and the teenage public.

Romeo needs to recognize and appreciate the advantages this position brings to the school community and employ a School Police Liaison Officer, for the benefit of the kids and the community!
posted by Jennifer L. White @ 2:08 PM   0 comments
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Name: Jennifer L. White
Home: Michigan

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